Saturday, October 3, 2009

Turn back the tick-tock

Monday, September 28 2009
Condition: Why it havta be THIS HOT?!
Song: anything that can breeze me off.
Quote: PANAS!!!
Phrase: HOT!!

Hey, hey, it's me again..
I'm back at this hot, shiny, sweaty afternoon....
*it's really damn hot here, where's that air conditioner.....*
Actually i just gonna write sumthin' about the movie i watched last night,
"Memoirs of a Geisha".

Well, i've learned many things from there,
like, hey, i didn't think "Geisha" means "Artist",
and i didn't know that Geisha only appealing art performances,
such as theatre dance, music or japanese dance..
(Well i reeeeeally didn't know those facts.)
And now i know that DANNA means 'Bodyguard' or 'Protector'
Now you see why there's a hero from MAR anime named Danna.

About the storyline...
I didn't too impresssed at first,
that i SHOULD have known what would be the plot for Geisha stories.
But yeah, when it comes to the climax,
i was so surprised that Chiyo(the starring)went to so many troubles
only to arrived in another Los Problemo.
Nevertheless i think Chiyo is quite a tough girl,
facing so many problems in her life but she carried on as if nothing really matters...

(Changing Sub, the writer's tired because her english were sucks.)
Yeah pokoknya dari awal sampe tengah-tengah itu ceritanya kompleks banget,
Mulai dari Chiyo yang diadopsi sama Mameha The Great(??)
dan akhirnya ganti nama jadi Sayuri,
trus dapet waris dari Ms. Nitta dan ganti nama lagi jadi Nitta Sayuri,
mulai saingan sama Hatsumomo dan temen baiknya si Pumpkin,
sampe akhirnya dia ternyata terperangkap didalam "Game" para Pemilik Okiya.

Trus adalah masalah kondisi perang di Jepang tambah parah,
semuanya disuruh ngungsi ke Osaka padahal kota itu sasaran utama musuh..
Chairman nyelametin Sayuri, dia disuruh ke gunung jadi perajut kimono atau apalah itu...

...And four years have passed.
Sayuri masih belom dapet kabar dari Chairman,
sekalinya ada kabar, dia disuruh jadi Geisha lagi cuma karena Amerika mau ngasih modal
ke Jepang kalo Jepang ngasih semacem hospitality gitu ke army-nya Amrik.
Pas Sayuri balik ke sono, Pumpkin udah beralih dari Geisha ke Plain Ol' Slut...
dan yang namanya "Geisha" udah bener2 beralih makna, dari positif ke total negatif..
Nah adalah si Sayuri dapet klien jendral amrik gt,
tapi dia dijebak Pumpkin..
AAAAARGH pokoknya kalo gw jadi Sayuri udah gw pahat jadi labu halloween kali tuh oraang-

In the end, when Sayuri went to meet Nobu-san,
Nobu-san didn't showed up and the Chairman came instead..
Then those two finally realized that,
"One cannot fly alone."
*LHO LHO LHO kok kata-katanya Alto Saotome brengos gw contek?!*
And then, JRENG JRENG TERORENG, happy ending.
..................I guess.

"You cannot ask for more shine to the sun.
You cannot ask for less drops from the rain.
That is what we recognize as kindness.
Being a Geisha means you couldn't hope for any more.
But when kindness came pouring on your life,
Doesn't that means your prayer have got answered?"
-Sayuri, Memoirs of a Geisha-

(doh, gw gak setuju sama line yg ke-4...
you can HOPE more and much more as you want,
because HOPE will never vanish from this world...
as long as you have what they called